
For a long time Mark and I were trying to decide on something the two of us can watch together because he just loves watching shows on fishing, and all man shows. So one day I came across Supernatural and rented the first season for Mark and I to consider. I showed Mark and he was interested so we gave it a try. We have become totally obsessed with the show since we started watching it about a year ago now. We love everything about it, the humor, the story, the characters we love it all. I for one have become pretty fond of the actor who plays Dean, Jensen Ackles so its a win win for me. I can cuddle with my boyfriend and also gaze at the TV at Jensen Ackles it’s great. We became such big fans of the show we actually planned a trip to Cape May, New Jersey mainly because the towns history of supernatural activity. They have old Victorian homes that are haunted and ghost tours with real life stories people shared of their encounters with ghosts! We are so excited to hear all the stories while we imagine we’re in an episode of Supernatural, if only Jensen Ackles was there in real life! After my trip I will post about all the cool things I heard in Cape May. Just look at this pic! Do I need to say more!?